Sunday, November 13, 2011

Cost Rica Bound

Saturday night, November 12th, 2011. My birthday, probably one of the more bitter sweet days in my life. It was a special day for me, yet a painful day. I was leaving at 8:30 pm to catch my flight to Costa Rica for a new journey with CrossFit506. Excited for the new challenge that lays ahead of me, but a broken heart I left behind at home. To see my wife and my boys cry and hear their deep sighs, pierced my heart. Knowing that I will not be able to hug them or kiss them for a month kills me, to not play or see my baby Victor, is gonna kill me. But although this causes me pain , it gives me motivation and drive to make CrossFit506 worth every tear we shed.

10:45 Arrive at San Francisco International Airport
11:00 Attempt to check in baggage, little did I know my suitcase was 20#'s over the limit and was advised the charge would be $500.00. So I go to work. Open up the suitcase and take out all the jump ropes and power bands , shirts shorts and other items , throw the suitcase back on the scale still 10 pounds over. Took out some more clothes, more shoes, and all of my supplements. Still over weight, finally the agent says to me, get 5 more pounds and we are good. My backpack is ripping open cause it is stuffed with crap and books, my little power bands bag is over flowing with tshirts, so my other option pull out a walmart bag and stuff more shirts and some boxers. Not a good way to start the trip.
11:15 Checked baggage in and headed to security gates, this was actually easy no hassle.
11:20 arrive at gate C88 , big lines to check in but nothing to worry about my ticket was good to go.
11:40 plane starts boarding for Houston, TX. my seat was 15C. I sat down took my seat and was ready to go. A few minutes later a couple of older ladies need help loading a dialysis machine up on the luggage rack, so I offer my assistance. Both older ladies traveling to Veracruz Mexico.
12:20 Pilot announces we are preparing to depart.
12:25 Plane takes off and we fly over the beautiful night view of the San Francisco Bay. As my mind and heart pound away knowing I will not see my family for 1 month.
4:45   a new time zone, I wake up and we still have a ways before we land. So I go back to sleep
5:25   The Pilot announces we will land in 20 minutes.
5:45    Announcement to buckle up, turn off portable devices and seats back to upright position.
5:55    After a little bit of turbulence and rough winds, we land safely in Houston.
6:05    Make my way to gate E11 to catch my flight to Costa Rica, in the mean time. I find an uncomfortable spot that has a ac outlet to charge my phone and laptop. Check the results for the college games and read up on the once again boxing match robbery of J.M. Marquez. To many fixes in Vegas, and we wonder why Boxing has a black eye and no longer an interesting sport.
7:00 I decided to make this blog so my boys can read up on how my trip in Costa Rica is going.
7:45 my ass hurts from this uncomfortable ground and I am going to get some coffee, now that my wife has me addicted to coffee.  I will be back later for more updates.
9:10 I was on the plane and headed to Costa Rica, .
12:55 3 hours later I landed in Costa Rica. Sure enough rain started to pour.
1:30 Costa Rica is a beautiful county and its true, the happiest place on earth. Everyone has been so friendly.
2:00 Finally made our way to the gym CrossFit 506 man what a great job Diego has done in getting the construction and the pull up rigs installed.
Diego, Tavo , Cuba and I started to break down the equipment and making the box look more like a CrossFit Box. Check out the pictures.
2:15 found out my phone had no service, so I couldnt talk to my boys. Till tonight after I got online  I could finally broadcast video so my boys and mama could see me. Althought I wasnt able to. I was happy to know they got smiles seeing daddy and were able to chat with daddy.

7:30 pm, well as you can see from the pictures we did a lot of work today. Guess not so bad for only sleeping a few hours on the plane from San Francisco to Houston.
9:00 after getting some food and getting situated I was happy to relax and chat with my family. Technology was kind enough to let them see me via skype and facebook chat. It may be online but it sure brings joy to my heart cause I am communicating with my family. One thing I realized is that even when there are times you feel like you need a break from the babies and from the reality of family life. Your heart reminds you that your wife and babies are all you live for.
11:15 ok good night, that is a wrap for day 1 in Costa Rica, will be back at it tomorrow. Got a big day and so much to do. In the mean time check out our progress and stay tuned for the progress of CrossFit 506.

1 comment:

  1. Awww love it! I read it to the boys and yes we cried some more but we are glad we got to talk to you this morning! Try and blog as much as you can. Great memories! We love you!
